November in Megalo Horio - photos

Yesterday morning, I arrived back in Tilos after a few days in Athens. 'Does it feel like coming home?' someone asked me last night. Yes, it does, but it also makes me think: 'Wow, do I live here?!' It was a classic rosy-fingered dawn, all the colours and shapes of the cliffs making me feel giddy all over again. 

Sourcebooks, who will be publishing the North American edition of Falling in Honey in March 2014, have come up with a beautiful cover concept for the book (see right) but are not sure yet about the photo and are looking around for something a little more obviously Greek. I thought I'd send them some photos of Tilos for ideas, and I took my camera out. Not that any of these are cover photos - but I thought I'd share with you how beautiful Megalo Horio looks this warm, sunny Saturday in early November.

Thank you to everyone for the messages you've sent by email and posted here following my last blog about Dimitri. 

Sigh, what has happened to Lisa? She has transformed into a naughty puppy again over the last two days, destroying anything she can get her mitts on (or teeth into). I have to run...

Kalo meena - have a good month!


  1. Hope a photo from Tilos can be used for the cover of your book - not one of Santorini (looks like Santorini in the picture)... Just a thought. ;-)

    1. My sentiments exactly!

    2. Yes, it would be nice... But they want something that will appeal as widely as possible (as do I, of course)!

  2. Any of your photos will make a great cover.
    Susan Joyce

  3. Your photos make me fell homesick! And I've never visited Tilos, but that pull of the Greek islands is soooo strong. Thanks for sharing.

  4. And of course, I meant FEEL not fell! Have been visiting Rhodes for many years. Symi once, Halki a few times. Tilos is tugging...................

  5. Hi Jennifer,
    I enjoyed your book and am loving your pictures of the island but I can't get your news page. I thought it used to be at the top right of homepage but seens to have gone? Maybe because I'm viewing on a mobile?

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know! Somehow it had disappeared but I've just found it and put it back again. Much appreciated :-) Let me know if you have any problems viewing it.
