Tilos: The Mending of the Nets

For the last couple of days, a mastoras or craftsman has been on the island helping the fishermen to mend their nets. Early this morning, I went down to Livadia to watch him at work.

It was likely to take all day, so Lisa the pup and I went for a walk around the harbour.

In the small harbour on the other side of the bay, they were rubbing bundles of freshly-caught octopus on the ground, to ready them for eating.


We continued up the hill and found lots of kiklamena, wild cyclamen.


 When we got back to the main harbour, the cats had gathered around the fishing boat as Stelios was cleaning dog fish, or small sharks. Where there are dog fish being cleaned, there are cats, and where there are cats there are dogs...

The mending of the nets continued...


... but we had to say goodbye


  1. they used to bring Albanians over to do that, Jen....

    1. !!
      Probably different nets. Apparently this work on the trata net is very skilled and he travels up and down the islands doing it.
